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ITS 2012 Prizes and Awards

Written by | 5 Oct 2012 | All Medical News

Details of prizes/awards at the 24th International Congress of the Transplantation Society


The Medawar Prize 2012 David ER Sutherland

University of Minnesota, USA

The Asturias Award for international cooperation Luc Noël

World Health Organisation, France

The Genzyme Award for education and training in transplantation Gabriel Danovitch, UCLA, USA
The Genzyme Award for innovation in surgery and technology Pierre A Clavien, University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland
The Novartis Award for outstanding contribution to the evidence base for transplantation Yves Vanrenterghem, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
The Novartis Award for outstanding investigator-driven clinical trial Henrik Ekberg, Lund University, Sweden
The Roche Award for outstanding achievement in transplantation science (basic) Kathryn J Wood, University of Oxford, UK
The Roche Award for outstanding achievement in transplantation science (clinical) Hans Sollinger, University of Wisconsin, USA
The Roche Award for excellence in translational science Shaf Keshavjee, University of Toronto, Canada
The Roche Award for transplant infectious disease Camille Nelson Kotton, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA
The Roche Award for world-wide impact in transplantation Jeddah Kidney Centre, Saudi Arabia
Astellas Young Investigators Awards 2012 Esmé Dijke, Canada

Vivek Kute, India

Gisele Meinerz, Brazil

Miwa Morita, USA

Nicolas Poirier, France

Thomas Rogerson, Australia

Moritz Schmelzle, USA

Tina Schmidt, Germany

Adnan Sharif, UK

Simo Syrjälä, Finland

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