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Publication of early patient experience with the UroLift System as a superior treatment to Rezum Steam Injection in patients with enlarged prostate.Teleflex Incorporated

Written by | 23 Jun 2020 | Medical Update

Teleflex Incorporated announced the publication of data from a study comparing patient experience of those treated with the UroLift System for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) to those who received the Rezum steam injection. Results highlighting early positive experience following treatment with the UroLift System were published in the Canadian Journal of Urology.

The study compared 53 non-retention patients from two U.S. sites who received treatment with either the UroLift System or tissue ablation with the Rezum steam injection from Boston Scientific. To report the early postoperative patient experience, the study measured symptom response, catheterization rates, and recovery and satisfaction at up to two months post-treatment.Early post-operative results from the study showed positive differences for patients treated with the UroLift System compared to Rezum, including better sexual function outcomes, less interference in daily activities and higher patient satisfaction following the procedure. Additionally, results from the study found more than twice as many patients who received the UroLift System treatment reported being catheter free at day three (93%) compared to those who received Rezum (45%). At the 30-day mark, absolute symptom score was 45% better among patients treated with the UroLift System compared to those treated with Rezum.

Results from the study also found that 83% of patients treated with the UroLift System reported they were satisfied with their treatment compared to 65% of patients treated with Rezum. Patients reported the treatment improved their urinary symptoms when treated with the UroLift System (97%) compared to those treated with Rezum (70%). Results also showed that patients in the UroLift System treatment group reported no interference with sports, and little interference with entertainment and community activities, while nearly half of the Rezum group patients reported that their procedure interfered with these activities. Additionally, patients that received the UroLift System reported better absolute scores for erectile function (61%) and ejaculatory function (33%) compared to Rezum patients.

See- “Early patient experience following treatment with Urolift prostatic urethral lift and Rezum steam injection.-Ronald F. Tutrone MD and William Schiff MD. Can J Urol. 2020. 27(3): 10213-10219.

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