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FDA approves phase II trial of AC 0010MA in COVID-19.- Sorrento Therapeutics

Written by | 21 Jul 2020 | Pharmacy

Sorrento Therapeutics received clearance from the FDA to initiate a Phase II trial of AC 0010MA (abivertinib) in patients with COVID-19 who have moderate to severe pulmonary symptoms. The trial, titled A Phase II, Double Blinded, Randomized Study of the Efficacy and Safety of STI-5656 (Abivertinib Maleate) With Standard of Care Versus Standard of Care in Subjects Hospitalized With COVID-19 (NCT04440007), will be initially conducted in centers in the USA.

Abivertinib has been studied in over 600 patients worldwide in various oncologic indications, including one registration trial in non-small cell lung cancer. Most treatment-related adverse events (AEs) were grade 1 or 2, the most common of which were transaminase elevations and diarrhea, which are generally considered common for TKIs. Other common treatment-related AEs included anemia, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia, each of which are generally considered typical AEs with long-term use of TKIs. No unexpected AEs were reported.

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