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Report from Cork branch Irish Association for Nurses in Oncology meeting 21st April 2012

Written by | 12 Jun 2012 | All Medical News

In order to promote the ongoing education in cancer care which is one of the objectives of the association the Cork branch holds an annual education update. In recent years the Cork branch has targeted areas such as Breast cancer, Colorectal cancer and Head and Neck cancer but in April 2012 the group held an education update in The Oriel Hotel Ballincollig, Cork,  titled ‘ A malignant and Non-Malignant Haematology Update’.  

The update was aimed at nurses working in the acute setting, the community and practice nurses in the Munster region with an interest in haematology. In order to address all the educational needs of the nurses who attended the day it was essential to provide a broad overview of malignant and non malignant haematology conditions and the associated management of these conditions. This was achieved on the day by providing a comprehensive programme as outlined below.


Common haematological Disorders both malignant and non-malignant – Dr Oonagh Gilligan, Consultant Haematologist, Cork University Hospital.

Dr Gilligan provided a comprehensive over view of a variety of Haematological conditions namely, ITP, Multiple Myeloma, CML and MDS utilising case presentations for each condition.


Case study f transplant patient – Maura Warren, CNS/ Transplant Co-ordinator Cork University Hospital.

Maura proved a overview of the management of multiple myeloma patients’ and their management pre and post autologous  peripheral blood stem cell transplant and her role co-ordinating with St. James’s Hospital.


Interpretation of Full Blood count and biochemistry results – Dr Mary Cahill, Consultant Haematologist, Cork University Hospital.

Dr Cahill provided a very comprehensive and interesting presentation on the interpretation of normal and abnormal haematology and biochemistry results. Dr Cahill utilised blood results from patients who attended  CUH while protecting their identity.


Transfusion support for haematology patients – Dr Joan Power, Irish Blood Transfusion services.

Dr Power addressed the role of transfusion support for haematology patients the risks associated with transfusions and safety mechanism in place to ensure product / patient safety at all times.


Paediatric haematology in the Community – Olga Buckley, Paediatric haematology nurse specialist, Mercy University Hospital.

Olga outlined her role as CNS in the community and the benefits of reduced admissions to hospital for children with haematological conditions, a very informative and though provoking presentation.


Anaemia Update – a GP perspective – Dr Sheila Rochford, General Practitioner.

Dr Rochford utilised case presentation in her presentation addressing Iron, B12 and folate deficiencies in children, adolescents, adults and the elderly.


Anti – Coagulation Therapy – Mary Hayes, anticoagulation Nurse, Cork University Hospital.

Mary outlined the role of anti coagulants in practice and discussed the ‘bridging’ required when patients are converted fro oral anti coagulants to sub cut anti coagulants.


Vitamins in Haematology Disorders – Dr Mark Coyne, Specialist Registrar in Haematology, Cork University Hospital.

Presentation on vitamins was prepared by Dr Mark Coyne but due to unforeseen circumstances was unable to present on the day but Dr Nina Orsali Haematology research Registrar proved a very knowledgeable and informative presentation utilising Mark’s slides.


Adult Leukaemia – My Story – Gareth Williams.

The final speaker, Gareth who told his story of his journey with Leukaemia provided participants with an insight into the patient’s experience, often a story not told.

Many speakers utilised case studies within their presentations which helped participants to understand haematology conditions which on occasions can be very complex. Evaluations from 29 attendees who completed evaluations highlighted how relevant all the presentations were and how positively they were viewed.

It is hoped that this haematology update will provide nurses with the knowledge / ability to understand blood results and haematology conditions and their management more effectively in clinical practice.

Overall the day was a great success and comments from the attendees throughout the day and the evaluations highlighted that yet again ongoing education is essential for all nurses and allied healthcare professionals.

The cork branch plans to meet in September where further evening meeting will be planned, two proposed pre next spring study day. Topics and speakers to be confirmed post September meeting.


Colette Healy


Cork Branch IANO.

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